Members' Galleries
This is a selection of works by members of Woking Art Society. Click on each artist to see more pictures. Please use the form on the Contact Us page, if you are interested in buying something and we will put you in contact with the artist.
Members, please email up to three images (cropped so that only the picture and no frame is visible) to if you would like to submit your work to the Gallery. If you would like a link to your website included, please include the website address in your email.
Members, please email up to three images (cropped so that only the picture and no frame is visible) to if you would like to submit your work to the Gallery. If you would like a link to your website included, please include the website address in your email.

Prize Winners

Julia Aspin

Bara Aylwin

Brian Blair

Hannah Bruce

Fran Bunting

Maggie Butler

Elisabeth Carolan

Tracey Cipullo

Samara Cooke

David Drury

Julia Goodswen

Aska Gough

Pam Guess

David Harmer

Michael Hedgecoe

Sue Hinton

Bryan Jones

Sera Knight

Kathy Lemmer

Yana Linch

Joanna Lloyd

Ros O'Connor

Brenda Ord

George Otto

Sue Reynolds

Louise Rowe

Lauren Sapseid

Liz Seward

Margaret Sharpe

Val Thorpe

Elaine Winter

Chris Wright